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Albion Fox Ballenger (1861-1921) 

Click for information on GG Rupert and AT Jones, associates of Ballenger.

NB: Ballenger and his successors' work was centered around Los Angeles and Pasadena much like John Harden Allen (‘Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright’) and Greenberry G Rupert (‘Remnant of Israel’).

Various Information and history



Books and booklets A range of booklets by Ballenger and his associates
Gathering Call periodical A number of copies have been located to date (some have missing pages). There would be scores published from the early 1900s to the 1960s
Letters Dozens of letters to & from Dugger, Kiesz, Stith, Stacy, Sculz etc
Miscellaneous information This information includes SDA criticsim of Ballenger and his associate, Greenberry G Rupert.
Albion Ballenger's grave site https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/147173223/albion-fox-ballenger
Edward Stroud's grave site (Albion's successor) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/136177485/edward_stroud_ballenger


Albion Fox Ballenger (1861-1921) and Edward Stroud Ballenger (1864-1955) emerged as prominent critics of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the early 20th century, maintaining their opposition until Edward's passing. In the later years of Edward's life, Donald Mote began to assist him in his endeavors. Following Edward's death, Mote continued their efforts until the early 1990s. This trio primarily challenged the sanctuary doctrine widely accepted among Seventh-day Adventists and also contested the authority and influence of G. White. Their principal medium of expression was The Gathering Call magazine, alongside various tracts and smaller publications.

They were friends of and in cooperation with Greenberry G Rupert (Remnant of Israel) and Andrew Dugger (Church of God, Seventh Day). 


Historical Dictionary of the Seventh-day Adventists (pp. 31-32):

"BALLENGER, ALBION FOX (1861-1921). Seventh-day Adventist minister and later critic of the denomination. Born in Illinois, Ballenger began working in the Adventist ministry in 1885 and was ordained in 1893. He worked primarily in religious liberty affairs from 1889 to 1897. Attracted to Holiness themes, from late 1897 through 1899 he traveled throughout the United States on behalf of the General Conference preaching "Receive Ye the Holy Ghost." His book Power for Witnessing (1900) drew from his sermons. In 1901 he went to Great Britain, serving as an evangelist and church administrator until he expressed doubts about the sanctuary doctrine. He returned to the United States in 1905 and lost his ministerial credentials in that year. During the next few years he worked as a farmer in Virginia until moving to California in 1908. He published his criticisms of the sanctuary doctrine in Cast Out for the Cross of Christ (c. 1909) and, although for a time continuing to farm and do odd jobs, gradually developed a preaching and writing career. Between 1911 and 1919 he made six extended cross-country trips, speaking primarily to disaffected Adventists. He became editor of The Gathering Call, a magazine begun by a Church of God minister in 1915, and published two books, Forty Fatal Errors Regarding the Atonement (c. 1913) and The Proclamation of Liberty and the Unpardonable Sin (1915), in addition to various tracts."


The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom advertisement, 16 March 1915, p. 254; 10 Aug 1915, p. 590 and other editions:

“Brother Ballenger’s New Book.

This book contains the great central truths of salvation by grace that stirred the heart of the apostle Paul and made him the most enthusiastic, untiring and successful preacher of the gospel since our Savior returned to his Father’s throne.

The book presents salvation as the absolute gift of God’s grace, and commandment keeping as the result of the overflowing of a heart that is filled with love to God for the unspeakable gifts of his grace.

The author has found the secret that reveals the harmony of all the apparent contradictions of the apostle in his teaching on the law and grace, The book contains about 280 pages,45 chapters, and is illustrated by many full page drawing’ made especially for this work and is attractively bound in cloth. Price $1. Address, The Church of God Publishing House, Stanberry, Mo.”


“Report of College View Campmeeting,” The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 4 Aug 1914, p. 590:

The College View, Nebraska, Campmeeting opened June 25th, 1914, for a two week’s meeting which closed July 7. The meetings were well attended. There were three services each day, consisting of prayer and praise service ten A. M., preaching at three P. M., and again t eight.

The people of College View, and Lincoln, also those who came from a distance were favored with the presence of the well known speakers, Alonzo T. Jones, G. G. Rupert, and A. F. Ballenger. These men are known to most of the readers of the ADVOCATE as able expounders of the sacred word. Bro. Jones spoke mainly on Religious Liberty, viewing it from almost every standpoint possible, also bringing out the texts which portray the true and only church, the body of Christ, of which ‘‘Christ is the head’’ and Christians members. Eph. 4. The main trend of the lesson was ‘Behold your God.’’

Bro. Rupert brought out many good lessons largely brought out many good lessons largely two witnesses showing that God’s law is an eternal one…”

This was followed by a report on Ballenger’s presentation.


The Bible Advocate and Herald of the Coming Kingdom, 19 Oct 1915, p. 736:

“Bro. A. F. Ballenger of Riverside, California, is now at Stanberry conducting a series of lectures on prophecy; the attendance so far has been good and we hope it will increase and that much good will be accomplished through his efforts.”

Report by Ballenger re his meetings: “From Bro. A. F. Ballenger,” Bible Advocate, 1 Dec 1914, p. 4